Donating Supplies
Changing One Life At A Time Missions will donate blankets, toiletries, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, washcloths, shampoo, sanitizer, wipes, and a variety of other items to children, men and women in our local area and abroad.

As we begin to setup projects and mission trips, we will need the support of volunteers and that means YOU!!! To learn more about how you can get involved, click here.
Visit our gallery to see our amazing volunteers and members in action.

Missions Abroad
Changing One Life At A Time has continued the missions of Jamaica Outreach Missions teaching Vacation Bible School in Kingston. We also provide school supplies to support children and families of Jamaica in three different church school regions.

Our fundraising events include themed luncheons, dinners, raffles, fashion events and more. As an organization, we use creative ways to raise funds to donate essential supplies to those in need, as well as impact lives here and abroad through our various projects.